“Manifesting” has been a hot topic lately amongst spiritualists and realists alike. Mention of the law of attraction meets us at every personal development post and self-help guide around. This is only 1 of 12 laws that can help guide us towards our goals and ambitions, however. Learning her sister laws helps to put us not only closer to our achievements but promises us all the feel-good things in life.
These 12 laws, largely credited to the ancient Hawaiians, teaches us not only how to wield the power of the energetic universe but how to be better humans along the way.
The Law of Oneness
The first of the 12 universal laws is the law of oneness which states we are all connected and a part of each other. This law asks us to treat others the way we wish to be treated. We practice it through love and kindness, recognizing ourselves in others.
The Law of Vibration
The law of vibration reminds us that all things in this physical world are vibrating on a molecular level. More than this, though, it tells us that we can tune our own vibrations to match that which we desire. Matching the vibration of that which we desire is how we energetically magnetize it towards us and how we hold onto it once it reaches us.
The Law of Correspondence
This law is the “as above, so below” law. It tells us that our outside world is a direct reflection of our inside world. If fear and chaos are what we are experiencing within ourselves, it will directly reflect out into our surrounding environment. Likewise, if we cultivate love and peace within, that’s what will exist in our life.
Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is clearly the most famous and talked about of the 12 laws. It states that what you put out is what you will receive in return. If you seek love but spread hate, you only breed more despair for yourself. Pass out love, kindness, and compassion like candy at a parade, and that’s what will come back to greet you.
Law of Inspired Action
The law of inspired action asks us to listen to our intuition as we seek to move forward on achieving our goals. The universe is conspiring on a larger scale than you or I can perceive possible. It’s busy at work creating connections for us elsewhere to bring us closer to our desires. That intuitive inspiration that asks you to take a certain action is how it nudges you along with it in the right direction.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
This is the law of constant change. Everything is always changing. It’s the only constant in the universe. Energy is always being exchanged and transformed, giving life to something else. That’s why it’s best to learn how to navigate it. We tend to enjoy sameness, but it’s against nature which leaves us a bit shaken when it changes unexpectedly or quickly.
Law of Cause and Effect
This is one they made us aware of in grade school. There is an effect to every cause. Even if you don’t see the effect immediately or otherwise. Since we are all connected, as stated in the law of oneness, and energy is always being transferred in the state of thoughts, actions, and intentions, this energy is moving and touching everything in its path. The best thing we can do is try to make sure we transmute any negative that touches us into positive before sending it along to the next person or thing.
Law of Compensation
The law of compensation is a “you reap what you sow” type of law. It says all seeds planted will come to fruition. If you put forth the work, you will be rewarded for your efforts. Though not necessarily in the way you expect.
Law of Relativity
This one states that everything is relative to the perception of each individual. Everything has as much meaning as you give it. Everything is malleable in the mind to be as we choose to perceive it. Reality is what we decide on an individual level.
Law of Polarity
The law of polarity teaches us of yin and yang. How everything has an opposite yet equal partner. Hot and cold, light and dark, the polarity and contrast between the 2 is what creates our ability to experience this world. Without sadness, we cannot know great joy.
Law of Rhythm
Rhythm explains to us that everything has an ebb and flow. Nothing is consistently one state. Everything has natural ups and downs, like the cyclical nature of the Earth’s seasons or phases of the moon. When we learn that we, too, have these natural cycles, we can learn to more smoothly “ride the wave” instead of feeling as though we’re drowning in the ocean when those low and tough points hit.
Law of Gender
Lastly, this law states that all things have both masculine and feminine energy. Much like the law of polarity, they are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are needed to create a whole. Finding balance between the two within, both the yin and the yang, the active and the passive, is how we create harmony in ourselves, our lives and radiating out from there, our communities and world.