Our feet are often neglected when we work out, but they’re an important part of the body that deserves some love! Strengthening your feet can help improve skeletal alignment, ease or prevent joint problems, and give you better balance. Here are three ways to strengthen your feet using a Theraband:
- Point and Flex
- Curl and Fan
- Foot Raises
In the rest of this article, we’ll explain exactly how to do each exercise. You can easily adjust the amount of resistance to suit your needs by giving yourself more or less of the Theraband to work with.
3 Theraband Exercises To Stretch And Strengthen Your Feet
Point and Flex
You can do this exercise either seated on the floor with your leg extended in front of you, or lying on your back with your foot raised toward the ceiling. First, loop the Theraband around the ball and big toe of your right foot and hold both loose ends in your right hand so that the band stays on your foot while pointing or flexing.
Beginning with your right foot, flex the foot. Now, slowly point your foot, moving incrementally through your arch, ball, and toes. Then, reverse the action, slowly flexing your foot as you move through the toes, ball, and arch. Repeat this action three or four more times, moving slowly and with control, and then switch sides.
Curl and Fan
This exercise can also be done while either seated on the floor or lying on your back. Loop the Theraband around the ball of your right foot, leaving your toes free. Then, hold both loose ends of the band in your right hand and pull it to the right side of your body.
Flex your right foot, then spread your toes apart and turn them toward the center of your body. Then, curl your toes together and turn them away from the center of your body. Repeat this action three or four more times, then switch the Theraband to your left hand and pull the loose ends toward the center of your body.
Now, reverse the foot actions you just performed. Curl your toes and turn them away from the center of your body, then fan your toes apart and turn them toward the center of your body. Repeat three or four more times, then repeat the entire exercise on the left side.
Foot Raises
Wrap the Theraband around your right foot, then sit up straight in a chair with both of your feet flat on the floor. Place the loose part of the Theraband under your left foot and hold the ends in your left hand.
Now, keep your right heel on the ground and raise the rest of your foot off the ground. Keep your toes in a straight line with the rest of your foot. Hold for one second, then return to the starting position slowly and with control. Repeat three to four more times, then switch sides.
We hope this article gave you some ideas to level up your next workout! Try adding one, two, or all three of these exercises to your routine two or three times each week.