Whether you’re working on building strength in your legs, need a portable alternative to weights, or just want to change up your workout routine, Therabands are a great choice. By challenging your muscles in different ways, you’ll build strength and tone your muscles at the same time! Here are some of our favorite Theraband leg exercises:
- Front Kicks
- Leg Press
- Side Leg Lift
- Clamshells
Choose a Theraband that offers you enough resistance to be challenging, but not so much that you have trouble moving your legs. You can also adjust the amount of resistance by holding the band closer or farther away from your body. Let’s get started learning the exercises!
4 Theraband Exercises For Stronger Legs
Front Kicks
Drape the Theraband over the top of your foot, then cross the bands under the sole and draw ends toward you. Lie down on your side with the banded leg on top, then slip the ends of the Theraband under your lower knee. Straighten your leg 45 degrees forward, do two pulsing kicks, then swing your leg back, keeping the knee straight to complete one rep.
Engage the glutes and hamstrings as you kick forward and engage your abs as you swing the leg back. Do 5 to 15 reps.
Leg Press
Drape the Theraband over the top of your foot, then cross the bands under the sole and draw ends toward you. Lie down on your side with the banded leg on top, then slip the ends of the Theraband under your lower knee. Now, straighten your leg, pressing your foot down so it’s lined up directly below your hip. Hold for a count, then slowly bend your knee back to the starting position for one rep.
Complete 5 to 15 reps, moving slowly and with control.
Side Leg Lift
Wrap the Theraband around your thighs, then lie down on your side with your legs straight and hold both ends of the band in your lower hand. Flex your top foot and lift the leg until you feel your outer thigh engage, hold a count, then slowly lower back to the starting position to complete one rep. Do 5 to 15 reps.
With the Theraband wrapped around your thighs, lie down on your side and hold the ends in your lower hand. Bend your knees, keep your big toes together, and hinge your top knee open. You’ll feel engagement in the inner thigh of your top leg. Hold for a count, then slowly return your leg to the starting position to finish your first rep. Do 5 to 15 reps.
Try this workout as a warmup for weightlifting, a standalone mini-workout, or a convenient travel workout. Make sure to cool down and stretch when you’re finished!