If you’re working on strengthening your arms or just need an easy, portable way replacement for lifting weights, Therabands are your new best friend!
- Bicep Curls
- Tricep Rows
- Lateral Arm Rotations
- Banded Push Ups
Choose a Theraband that offers you enough resistance to be challenging, but not so much that you have trouble moving your legs. You can also adjust the amount of resistance by holding the band closer or farther away from your body. So, what are we waiting for? Grab a band and let’s get started!
4 Theraband Exercises To Tone Your Arms
Bicep Curls
Find the middle of your Theraband and stand on it. Stand up straight and tall, then hold one end of the band in each hand with your palms facing out and the loose ends of the band on the outside of your hands. Bend your arms to create a right angle, keep your elbows close to your sides, and draw your hands toward your shoulders.
Slowly return your hands to the starting position to complete one rep. Keep your wrists straight and move slowly and with control. Do 5 to 20 reps.
Tricep Rows
Stand in the middle of your Theraband and go into a flat back position with your knees slightly bent. Hold the Theraband in an overhand grip and bend your elbows. Track your arms close to your sides as you slowly straighten your arms back to the starting position to complete one rep. Keep your wrists straight and resist the pull of the Theraband.
Do 5 to 20 reps.
Lateral Arm Rotations
Stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbow to create a right angle, and hold the Theraband in front of your chest with an approximately 6 inch gap between your hands. Keep your palms facing up, hold your wrists straight, and hug your elbows in to your sides. Pull your hands away from each other, creating a slight lateral rotation in your upper arms, then return to the starting position for one rep.
Repeat 5 to 20 times.
Banded Push Ups
Drape the Theraband over your upper back, holding one end in each hand so it wraps across your shoulder blades. Now, get into a full or half plank position, holding your body in a straight line from heels or knees to head and engaging your abs, glutes, and legs.
Adjust the Theraband so it offers some resistance, then bend your arms to lower your chest toward the ground, hold for a count, then slowly straighten your arms, pressing against the Theraband. Repeat 5 to 20 times.
Therabands are a great way to stay strong while traveling or if you have mobility uses in your joints. Even if neither of those scenarios apply, they’re also a fun way to mix up your workouts!