Targeting the lower abs can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort! Not only does it give that strong, toned look that many people want, it’s also an incredibly important place to have strength. Not only do the lower abs help support your lower back, which can alleviate back pain, they also improve your overall balance and stability.
Here are five of the best lower ab exercises for strong, toned abs:
- Leg Lowers
- Flutter Kicks
- Butterfly Kicks
- Twist Ups
- Russian Twists
In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through each of these exercises so you can confidently add them to your next ab workout. So, let’s get started!
5 Lower Ab Exercises To Give You That Coveted V-Line
Leg Lowers
Start by sitting upright with your legs extended straight in front of you, then lean back onto your elbows. Make sure they’re lined up directly below your shoulders. Raise your feet directly up toward the ceiling. Inhale and lower your legs to hover just above the floor, then exhale, draw your belly button toward your spine, and raise your legs up toward the ceiling again.
Do 10 to 20 reps.
Flutter Kicks
Lie on your back, legs extended long. Slip both hands underneath your rear, then lift your legs to hover a few inches above the floor. Keeping your legs straight, rapidly kick them in a scissor-like motion. As you kick, draw your belly button toward your spine instead of letting it relax.
For a greater challenge, hold your arms a little bit to the sides of your body instead of leaving your hands under your rear. Repeat the exercise for 20 to 60 seconds.
Butterfly Kicks
Start in the same position as Flutter Kicks, hands either under your rear or planted into the ground by your sides. This time, open your legs to about hip width apart, then quickly close them again. Keep your legs straight and continuously draw your belly button in toward your spine.
Repeat this exercise for 20 to 60 seconds.
Twist Ups
Sit up straight, legs extended in front of you and palms on the floor behind your rear. Bend your elbows, lean back, inhale, and lift your legs off the ground. Then, draw your knees toward your chest, exhale, and sit up. Next, shift to your right hip, draw your knees toward your chest, and sit up again. Repeat on the left side.
These three twists make one set. Do 10 to 15 sets.
Russian Twists
Sit up straight, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Then, lean back just slightly and lift your feet off the ground. While balanced in this position, clasp your hands together, inhale, and twist your torso to the right. Exhale and come back to the center. Repeat on the other side to complete one set.
Do 10 to 20 sets.
Try doing all five exercises together as a mini workout targeting the lower abs, or simply add one or two to your next workout. Let’s get those strong abs!