Are you short on time but looking for a quick workout that will leave you feeling stronger, taller, and more relaxed? Well, look no further! This mini ab workout will set your abs on fire in under five minutes! It focuses on each section of the core in turn to give you a balanced workout.
A strong, healthy core is one of the best ways to ensure good posture, balance, and alignment. Doing a core workout four to five times each week is a great idea, and luckily it doesn’t have to take lots of time. Here is an ab mini-workout you can try:
- Crunches (Slow)
- Bicycles
- Leg Lowers
- Double Leg Stretch
In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through each exercise so you can do them confidently and effectively. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!
Ab Burner Mini Workout
Crunches (Slow)
Start by lying on your back, arms by your sides, feet planted on the floor, and knees pointed toward the ceiling. Place your hands behind your head, inhale, then exhale and peel your head and upper spine off the floor. Inhale and hold in this position. Engage your abs a little more firmly, come up a little higher, then exhale and roll through your spine back to the ground.
Continue like this, engaging your abs to come up a little bit higher on each hold. Do 5 to 20 reps.
Begin lying on your back with your arms at your sides, feet planted on the floor, and knees pointed toward the ceiling. Draw your right knee in toward your chest, hover your left leg a few inches above the ground, and place your hands behind your head. Inhale, then exhale and draw your left elbow toward your right knee. Continue exhaling as you switch sides. This completes one set.
Continue in this manner, exhaling for one set and inhaling for the next set. Do 5 to 20 sets.
Leg Lowers
Start by sitting upright with your legs extended long, then lean back and lower your elbows to the ground so they’re stacked directly underneath your shoulders. Lift both legs straight toward the ceiling. Inhale and lower your legs to hover a few inches above the ground, then exhale and lift them again.
As you move, focus on engaging your abs instead of your legs. Do 5 to 20 reps.
Double Leg Stretch
Lie on your back, legs extended long. Now, inhale and draw your knees toward your chest, then exhale and reach your hands and feet away from each other. Continue moving like this. Every time you exhale, draw your belly button toward your spine to engage your abs. Do 5 to 20 reps.
We hope this mini ab workout got your abs firing! Try it as a quick standalone workout, repeat it two or three times to really get your abs going, or stack it with another workout for a longer session.