As one of the biggest muscles of your body, the glutes are a vital part of your leg. They help you walk, run, jump, protect the lower back from injury, and help keep the knees properly aligned. And since people like to work out the glutes for aesthetic reasons, too, this mini glute workout is a win-win! These are the bodyweight glute exercises we’ll be using:
- Donkey Kicks
- Leg Lifts
- Rainbows
- Fire Hydrants
In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through each exercise so you can do them with confidence. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!
Bodyweight Mini Workout To Tone And Firm Your Glutes
Donkey Kicks
Start in a tabletop position, knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Now, flex your right foot and maintain the 90 degree bend in your right knee as you lift your leg. Lift until the sole of your foot comes toward the ceiling. Hold for one second, then slowly put your knee back on the ground.
As you move, keep your knee pointing at the ground as much as possible. Do 10-20 reps on the right leg, then repeat on the other side.
Leg Lifts
Start in a tabletop position, hands lined up below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Extend your right leg straight behind you. Then, keeping your knee straight, raise your leg toward the ceiling until it’s slightly higher than your rear. Hold for one second, then lower it back to the ground slowly and with control.
Make sure your leg stays in parallel by directing your heel toward the ceiling as you raise and lower your leg. Do 10-20 reps on the right side, then repeat on the left.
Begin in a tabletop position with your hands below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Then, extend your right leg straight behind you with your feet pointed and toes resting on the ground. Slide it on the floor to about one foot to the right of your body. Then, lift your leg slightly above hip height and move it in an arcing motion to tap your toes on the floor about one foot to the left of your body. This completes one rep.
As you move, keep your leg straight and lift it using your glutes and hamstrings. Do 10-20 reps.
Fire Hydrants
Start in a tabletop position, hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees, lift your right leg directly to the side to create a right angle with your two legs. Hold it there for one second, then slowly lower it back to the starting position. Do 10-20 reps on the right, then repeat on the other side.
This glute mini workout works equally well as a quick standalone workout, a finisher for a longer workout, or done two or three times to create a longer workout. Try adding it to your exercise routine two or three times each week to start seeing changes in muscle tone, strength, and development.