Yoga is one of the best treatments for back pain because it stretches the spine and improves posture. Practicing different asanas can target areas on your back to alleviate various problem areas.
Some of the best yoga poses for back pain include the following:
- Child’s pose
- Cat-cow pose
- Standing forward fold
- Downward facing dog
- Triangle pose
If you are experiencing significant back pain, you should consult a doctor before practicing any yoga poses. Practicing certain asanas with major back traumas could result in serious injury.
Lower back pain is typically caused by chronic issues like arthritis of the spine, natural wear, or muscle strain. In addition, trauma or acute stress can cause lower back pain. Yoga stretches like child’s pose can be a great way to treat lower-back pain.
Child’s Pose
The child’s pose is an excellent asana for elongating the spine.
Begin on all fours with your arms stretched straight in front of you, then sit back on your glutes. Stay in the position for several breaths before returning to a neutral position. Repeat for as long as necessary.
The most common reason for middle-back pain is aging. However, you may experience middle-back pain for many other reasons, like improper sleeping, poor posture, or bad workout technique like lifting with your back rather than your legs. Additionally, smoking, obesity, and pregnancy may also cause middle-back pain.
Cat-Cow Pose
Cat-cow pose is a great way to soothe middle back pain because it stretches the middle of your spine.
Begin on all fours with your back in a neutral position and your hands underneath your shoulders. Exhale deeply and round your spine like a cat, pushing away from the ground. Inhale deeply and lower the belly button toward the ground, curving your spine like a cow. Repeat several times before returning to a neutral spine.
Upper-back pain may be caused by poor posture, soft tissue injuries, and neck strain. The best way to eliminate upper-back pain is to stretch the entire spine and alleviate the pressure on your upper back.
Standing Forward Fold
Standing forward fold is an inverted pose that activates and lengthens the spinal column. While in standing forward fold, you reduce pressure on your back.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale deeply, bring your hands above your head, then activate your thighs and slowly begin folding your body toward the ground. Let the crown of your head hang downward and clasp each hand on the opposite elbow. Relax and let the pressure drip away. When finished, slowly raise to a standing position, rolling one vertebra at a time.
Downward-Facing Dog
Downward-facing dog is one of the most popular asanas for relieving upper back pain. You can also use it to eliminate middle and lower back pain since it elongates the whole spine as a part of most major yoga sequences.
Begin on all fours with your hands directly underneath your shoulders and knees underneath your hips. Curl your toes under and exhale as you push back to rise upward, raising your tailbone like a dog. Breathe deeply as you hold this position for several seconds. Additionally, you may move your tailbone from side to side, imitating a dog’s tail wagging for a deeper stretch.