We’re all familiar with crunches, bicycles, and all the other classic ab exercises, but did you know that there’s a way to work your core without lying on your back? Standing ab exercises are a great opportunity to challenge your core in a different way, and to train your muscles in functional positions you may use in your everyday life. Here’s our mini standing ab workout:
- Overhead Circles
- Overhead Reach Knee Tuck
- Standing Bicycle Crunches
- Wide Side Crunches
In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through each exercise, showing you how to do them both effectively and safely. No need to grab a mat – just find some space and let’s get started!
Mini Ab Workout (All Standing Exercises!)
Overhead Circles
You’ll need a weight for this exercise – a dumbbell, kettlebell, or even a bottle of water or can of food all work equally well. Stand up straight and hold the weight above your head. Inhale, then exhale and engage your abs. Start slowly circling the weight in a clockwise circle around your head.
When you return to the starting point, pause, then circle back in a counterclockwise direction. This completes one rep. Do 10 to 20 reps.
Overhead Reach Knee Tuck
Stand up straight, feet hip width apart and hands clasped and reaching above your head. Inhale, then exhale, engage your abs, and draw your right knee up to your chest. Hold for one count, then return your right foot to the ground. Repeat on the left side to complete one rep. Do 10 to 20 reps.
Standing Bicycle Crunches
Start by standing up straight with your feet hip width apart and hands behind your head. Inhale, then exhale as you engage your abs and lift your right knee toward your chest. As you do this, turn your upper body and draw your left elbow toward your right knee. Hold for one count, then slowly return to the starting position to finish one rep.
Do 10 to 20 reps, then repeat on the left side.
Wide Side Crunches
Stand up straight with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and toes pointing out. Place your hands behind your head, then bend your knees into a squat with your hips directly below your shoulders. As you bend your knees, engage your abs and lean your body to the right, keeping your shoulders square to the front of the room.
Hold for a count, then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side to complete your first rep. Do a total of 10 to 20 reps.
Try this mini workout for your next ab day to mix things up and keep your muscles guessing. And, since all of the exercises can be done while standing, it’s a great choice for layovers and any other situation where you can’t lay on the floor!