A toned midsection is a hallmark of a strong, healthy body, but it’s about more than just aesthetics. A strong core gives you balance, stability, and helps the entire body work in harmony. So, you might be looking for a mini workout for toned abs that you can do every day. Keep reading to learn a Pilates-inspired ab workout that only takes about 5 minutes to complete!
Pilates is an exercise system that focuses on developing your core strength, so it’s the perfect way to tone your abs. These four Pilates exercises target the mid abs and obliques, giving you strong and balanced muscles:
- Single Leg Stretch
- Single Straight Leg Stretch
- Bicycle
- Diagonal Toe Reach
In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through each exercise so you can confidently perform each one. So pull out a mat, put on some comfortable clothes, and let’s get started!
Mid Abs
Single Leg Stretch
Lie flat on your back, feet planted on the ground. Inhale, and then draw your right knee toward your chest and extend the left leg about 2” above the ground as you exhale. Keep exhaling as you switch legs so the left knee is drawn into the chest and the right leg is extended straight.
As you inhale, repeat the exercise once on each side. Continue in this way until you’ve done 5 to 10 reps on each side.
Single Straight Leg Stretch
Lie flat on your back, legs extended straight. Raise the right leg straight up to the ceiling and hover the left leg about 2” above the ground. Hold the right leg behind the calf or thigh. Tug it toward your face two times as you do two short, sniffing inhales through your nose. Exhale through your mouth as you switch legs.
Repeat on the left side, and then continue in this manner until you’ve completed 5 to 10 reps on each side.
Lie flat on your back, feet planted on the ground. Place your hands behind your head, draw your right knee toward your chest, and hover the left leg about 2” off the ground. Exhale as you peel your upper back off the mat and twist, bringing your left elbow to the right knee. Continue exhaling as you switch your legs and bring your right elbow to the left knee.
Inhale, and do one more set on each side. Continue in this pattern until you’ve done 5 to 10 reps on each side.
Diagonal Toe Reach
Lie flat on your back, legs extended straight and arms overhead. Raise the right leg straight up to the ceiling and hover the left leg about 2” above the ground. Exhale, peeling your upper body off the mat, and reach your left hand to your right foot. Continue exhaling and switch your legs, reaching your right hand to the left foot.
Inhale, and do one more set on each side. Continue in the established pattern until you’ve completed 5 to 10 reps on each side.
Just five minutes each day can make a big impact on your core strength and fitness levels. We hope this article gave you a great place to start making small changes that will lead to a stronger, healthier body!