Your abs are a very important part of your body, as they create a central point between your limbs and protection for your vital organs. That’s why, even if you don’t have the time or energy to do a full workout, ab workouts are always a good idea. Here’s a quick one that only takes about five minutes:
- Slow Crunches
- Rhythmic Bicycles
- Windshield Wipers
- Double Leg Stretch
In the rest of this article, we’ll explain how to do each exercise so you can practice them with confidence. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!
Quick And Easy Mini Workout For A Strong Core
Slow Crunches
Start by lying on your back with your feet planted on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, letting your head rest in your hands. Inhale, then exhale, engage your abs, and peel your head and upper back off the mat. Inhale and hold this position, then come up just a little bit higher. Exhale and roll back down slowly and with control.
Repeat for 20 to 45 seconds.
Rhythmic Bicycles
Start lying on your back with your feet on the floor, knees pointed toward the ceiling. Place your hands behind your head, then draw your right knee toward your chest and hover your left leg above the mat. Exhale, engage your abs, peel your head and upper back off the mat, and draw your left elbow toward your right knee.
Hold for one second, then quickly switch to the other side and then back to the starting position. Switch sides again, hold for one second, and continue in the established pattern. Repeat for 20 to 45 seconds.
Windshield Wipers
Lie on your back with both feet extended toward the ceiling and knees as straight as possible. Inhale and slide your legs a little to the right, then exhale, engage your abs, and draw your legs back to center. Repeat on the other side, then continue in the established pattern. As you move, keep both hips anchored into the ground and draw your belly button toward your spine.
Repeat for 20 to 45 seconds.
Double Leg Stretch
Begin lying on your back, legs extended long and arms reaching overhead. Inhale and draw your knees into your chest, forehead toward your knees, and wrap your arms around your legs. Exhale and reach your arms and legs away from each other. As you exhale, draw your belly button down toward your spine and keep your ribs closed.
Continue moving in this pattern for 20 to 45 seconds.
We hope these exercises gave each part of your abs a good workout! Try this sequence as a standalone mini workout, do it two or three times for a longer workout, or combine it with other workouts to create a full-length session.