Planks are the bread-and-butter of ab exercises, and although you can’t go wrong with a classic, it can be fun to switch things up sometimes! Plus, while planks give your entire body a workout, variations can allow you to hone in on particular areas. Here’s a few of our favorites:
- Arm Lift Planks
- Knee Tap Planks
- Shoulder Tap Planks
- Walking Planks
In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through each exercise so you can do them safely and with confidence. You won’t need any equipment, just a mat or other comfortable surface to lie on. So, let’s get started!
4 Plank Variations For A Full-Body Burn
Arm Lift Planks
Start in a high plank, palms on the ground directly below your shoulders and entire body engaged. Then, lift your right arm up to the side in half of a “T” shape. Hold for three counts, then place it back on the ground. Repeat on the other side to finish your first set. Do 5 to 15 sets.
If you find yourself losing your balance, move your supporting hand closer to the center of your body for more support.
Knee Tap Planks
Begin in a low plank, forearms on the ground, elbows lined up below your shoulders, and your whole body engaged. Engage your abs and bend your right knee until it touches the ground, then straighten your leg. Repeat on the other side to complete one set. Do 10 to 20 sets.
Shoulder Tap Planks
Begin in a high plank with your hands lined up directly below your shoulders and abs and legs fully engaged. Lift your right hand off the floor, tap your left shoulder, then replace it on the ground. Repeat on the other side for one set. Do 10 to 20 sets.
Walking Planks
Engage your abs and legs and press up into a high plank, hands directly beneath your shoulders. Then, step your right hand and foot a few inches to the right and immediately step your left hand and foot toward your body. This completes one rep. Continue stepping in this manner to the right for 10 to 20 reps, then repeat going to the left.
Hopefully this article gave you some new ideas for taking your core workout to the next level! Any of these exercises would be a great addition to your existing ab workout, or function as a great warmup for a longer workout routine.