Therabands are one of the best-kept secrets of the fitness industry. These long strips of latex, available in many different weights, add enough resistance to rival weight training. Plus, they’re super convenient and can be easily tossed in a suitcase or carry-on to ensure that you’ll never miss a workout, even on vacation!
Here’s a few of our favorite banded exercises:
- Banded Push Ups
- Banded Russian Twist
- Banded Donkey Kicks
- Banded Squats
In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through each exercise so you can do it confidently. All you need is a long Theraband in the weight of your choosing, comfortable clothes, and a mat, if you’d prefer.
Add Resistance To 4 Popular Exercises With A Theraband
Banded Push Ups
Hold one end of a Theraband in each hand with the band stretched across your back. With the band in place, get into a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and abs and legs engaged. Holding the Theraband firmly under your hands, bend your elbows until your chest hovers above the floor, then press back up against the resistance of the band.
If you need more resistance, tighten the band across your back, or loosen it if you need less. Do 5 to 30 reps.
Banded Russian Twist
Sit up tall on the mat, knees bent and feet planted on the floor. Place the middle of a Theraband under your feet, grasp the ends in both hands, and hold your hands close to your chest. Inhale and twist your upper body to the right, then exhale and come back to the center. Repeat on the other side to complete one set.
To make this exercise more challenging, lift your feet off the ground, wrap the band around your feet, and hold your feet off the ground for the whole exercise.
Do 10 to 30 sets.
Banded Donkey Kicks
Find the middle of your Theraband and place it over the top of your right foot. Wrap both ends around the sides of your foot to circle it completely, then hold one end in each hand. Get into a tabletop position on your hands and knees, hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, and flex your right foot.
Leaving your knee bent, press the sole of your right foot toward the ceiling, working against the band’s resistance. Hold for one count, then slowly return to the starting position to finish one rep. Do 10 to 30 reps, then switch sides.
Banded Squats
Find the middle of your Theraband and place it under both feet, then stand up straight with your feet hip width apart. Hold one end of the Theraband in each hand and adjust it so you have a good amount of resistance. Then, bend your knees and hinge forward at the hips into a squat. Hold for one count, then return to the starting position to complete one rep.
To make this exercise more challenging, extend your arms overhead as you bend your knees. This increases resistance and also works your shoulder muscles.
Do 10 to 30 reps.