If you’ve ever met someone who practices yoga, you’ve probably noticed they are beaming with energy even after leaving their workout class. Unlike many other forms of workout, yoga seems to always leave you feeling refreshed!
Even the most rigorous yoga workouts will energize you, which is why many people practice it at the start of their day. Unlike lifting weights or aerobics, the steady breathwork of yoga sends signals to your brain to wake you up. Many yogis leave the mats more awake than the start of their practice, with smiles that radiate “hello world, I’m ready for anything!”
Continue reading this article to learn more about how yoga energizes you and why you should practice yoga if you struggle to stay awake throughout your day.
Known formally as pranayama, breathwork in yoga is one of the keyways this exercise wakes you up instead of wears you down. The constant deep breathing is what sets yoga apart from other exercises like aerobics (which yoga is often compared to).
By breathing deep throughout the exercise, you are sending constant oxygen to your brain. When your brain has a steady flow of oxygen, you feel alert and ready to tackle your day with vigor!
Yoga is an excellent serotonin boost, sending waves of positive energy through your body. You’ll feel nothing but positive energy after your yoga session thanks to the extensive serotonin running through your brain! In fact, yoga is linked to curing many symptoms of major depressive disorder. By practicing yoga daily, you influence the receptors in your brain to produce serotonin and you’ll stop feeling negative.
If you’re one for yoga classes, you might thrive off the social aspect of yoga. In fact, you might meet many friends who you can practice yoga and spend time with. Forming these social connections is one of the most beneficial sides of yoga for some people since working from home has become the new normal. People who can find a balance between their home life and their hobbies show signs of being happier and more carefree.
Physical fitness
It should come as no surprise that yoga is a workout. In the Western world, it has been transformed from a mental and spiritual practice into a physical exercise known for strengthening and sculpting the body. Therefore, when you practice yoga, you will have better physical fitness. By practicing yoga, your body becomes toned, you are more flexible, and you have more energy all because you are more physically fit.
If you want to improve your quality of life and make yourself happier, try incorporating yoga asanas into your daily routine! Yoga asanas activate different receptors in your brain and then send serotonin throughout your body, increasing your mood and making you feel more positive and yourself and the world around you. Furthermore, yoga asanas involve steady breathwork, which sends oxygen to the brain and promotes alertness. When you feel alert, you are more in tune with yourself and the surrounding world.