Your core is one of the most important muscle groups in your body, and luckily it can be worked out quickly, easily, and effectively! Even if you’re short on time, a quick ab workout can leave you feeling stronger and more focused. We’ve put one together that targets every part of your abs, and it includes these exercises:
- Slow Crunches
- Figure 4 Crunches
- Leg Lowers
- Double Leg Stretches
- Plank Dips
In the rest of this article, we’ll guide you through each exercise so you can do them with confidence. To complete the workout in 6 minutes, do each exercise for 45 seconds with a 15 second break in between.
Stronger Abs In Just 6 Minutes: Core Mini Workout
Slow Crunches
Start lying on your back with your feet planted on the floor and your hands behind your head. Inhale, then exhale, engage your abs, and peel your head and shoulders off the mat. Inhale and hold this position for one count, then try to come up just a little bit farther and hold for another count. Exhale and slowly roll back down, moving through your spine vertebrae by vertebrae.
Repeat as established for 45 seconds.
Figure 4 Crunches
Lie on your back with your feet planted on the floor and hands behind your head, then bend your right knee and rest your right foot on your left thigh. Inhale, then exhale and draw your left elbow toward your right knee. Inhale and slowly roll back down to complete your first rep. Repeat for 45 seconds, then switch sides.
Leg Lowers
Lie on your back with your legs extended flat on the mat. Slip your hands under your tailbone to release pressure from your lower back, then exhale, draw your belly button toward your spine, and raise your legs to about 45 degrees. Inhale and slowly lower them back toward the ground, pausing just a couple of inches above the mat. This completes one rep.
Continue in this manner for 45 seconds.
Double Leg Stretches
Lie on your back with your knees pulled into your chest, then inhale and draw your head toward your knees. Exhale, pull your belly button down toward your spine, and reach your arms and legs away from each other to complete your first rep. Repeat in the established pattern for 45 seconds.
Plank Dips
Start in a low plank, forearms planted on the ground and elbows lined up directly below your shoulders. Engage your abs, glutes, and legs, then inhale and dip your right hip toward the ground. Exhale, draw your belly button toward your spine, and return to the starting position to complete your first rep. Continue like this for 45 seconds.
Try this workout as a standalone workout when you’re short on time, combine it with a few more exercises for a full-length workout, or repeat it two or three times for a full-length ab day workout. We hope it helps you find an even greater level of ab engagement!